Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Trust is the new green

Transparency empowers trust. The internet is one of the most significant catalysts of transparency. Users own conversations, foster diversity, choices and openness.
The internet, information technologies, social media and users’ engagement have cultivated a culture of open sharing.  They keep providers, leaders, corporates and governments under a glass menagerie, evangelize virtues and broadcast any misbehavior.

The internet allows visibility that users cannot control. Visibility on people, actions from Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, articles, comments. It makes us vulnerable, because we cannot control people’s reactions to what we do or say –voluntarily through the likes of Facebook and up to bully disclosures of Wikileaks – we are more exposed as people, employees, managers, officials, and politician.

Transparency becomes a key to authenticity.  In our personal life, transparency of social networks, a sharing state of mind and web culture support and empower our authenticity. It makes it natural for us to expect it from the brands, services and systems we interact with. We grow to demand the same accountability from our employers, providers, leaders.

Authenticity is a key to trust building.

The internet is more than just a global system of interconnected computer networks. It’s about us, people, and not just about technological platforms and apps, bits and bytes.  It is key in establishing transparency, authenticity and trust mechanisms and plays a cultural and ethical role that transcends its material, practical and functional aspects.  Therefore the soft values that we users embrace as part of a web culture, will drive changes that will ensure a trustworthy, transparent, empathic way of life, that corporates and institutions will have to embrace to reach us.

Trust based relations are the new green – the key to clean web ecology.  This fabric is what matters now – a new ecological culture of transparency, trust and engagement that individuals, corporates and institutions alike must embrace.

Author publishes articles frequently on clean web ecology and user centered paradigm. To help you comprehend more about web evolution, user centered, contextivity, Return on Attention, user centric from Author pay a visit to - http://www.icentered.com/trust-is-the-new-green

Article Source: http://www.icentered.com

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article. The Standard of Trust Tribe believes in following time-tested principles of honesty, accountability, responsibility, respect, support, trustworthiness, and emotional boundaries in order to earn Relationship Capital (RC). RC is an open peer-to-peer social interaction process that captures Relationship Capital (RC) for kept-commitments and positive perceptions. This is the future of on-line social business.
