Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Icentered on Smart Billboards Advertising

One of the New York based started building smart billboard technology that can target the users, personally, and present relevant ads on bill boards.  You must be considering it a promising advertising technique or you may be frightened whether this is going to work for you or not. But with all the speculations this definitely sounds fascinating.

This is a combination of real time, location based, combined with age and gender reading from cameras in locations where the bill boards are placed, make it possible to change ads based on the age group and activity that takes place and segment age and gender based ads in real time.

This does not fall under the category of personally targeted ads as it lacks the personal context of each person that passes near the billboard. If a 30 years old woman passes by and a disposable diaper ad appears, it is not because they know her identity, number of young children and the fact that her credit card shows baby related shopping, but because she falls under age and gender based segmentation.

So for the time being we can say that retailers must not get feared as this is going to be a universal connectivity, smart gadgets and an always on life style. The future of personal targeting will someday be in time and place defined real personalized ad placement on your personal mobile device once you enter a location, based on your very personal context, purchase history – the semantic web vision and internet of things that will eventually connect, combine data and screen each of us very personally.

A real user centered scenario depends on where users stand in the privacy/sharing debate.   Let us hope that till this happens, privacy keeping and sharing mechanisms will  be as developed as the semantic context based  profiles that will allow such individually targeted ads.

Author has a proficiency in user centricity and has written many articles on user centered initiatives and green web ecology that empowers a personalized web. For more information on looking at the web from an Icentered point of view, web marketing, new business models, digital advertising then you must check out this – Icentered.com

ARTICLE SOURCE: http://www.icentered.com/smart-billboards-will-target-you-personally

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